Non-destructive testing (NDT) has emerged as the dominant technology for industrial testing. It is used to obtain materials’ data without causing damage to them.

NDT is a group of testing and analysis methods that enable technicians to capture data of industrial parts and evaluate them without altering them or permanently destroying their usability. It means the part is serviceable after the inspection completes.

These non-destructive tests are mainly used for in-service products to lower the costs and ensure their integrity and usefulness.

Non-destructive testing for factories

What Does Scantech Offer for NDT 3D Inspection?

With non-destructive lasers to perform the non-contact 3D measurement, Scantech’s composite handheld 3D scanners and automated 3D measurement systems allow users to inspect, resulting in no damage to parts and products.

For instance, the industrial composite 3D scanner KSCAN-Magic innovatively adopts infrared and blue lasers. Thanks to its ultimate scanning area as large as 1440 mm x 860 mm, it can achieve precise and wide-range measurements with ease.

TrackScan-P42 3D system for NDT 3D inspection adopts intelligent optical tracking measurement technology and high-quality optical equipment.

It carries out ultra-high precision dynamic 3D measurements without markers, which can be widely applied to quality control, product development, reverse engineering, etc.

Due to their high adaptability, Scantech’s NDT 3D scanners can cater to the needs of a wide range of industry sectors.

3D Scanner KSCAN-Magic


The above questions are frequently asked for non-destructive testing and NDT 3D inspection. The answers to these questions are intended to shed light on the definition, commonly used methods, and advantages of NDT and NDT 3D inspection.

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