EastDigi Net Platform  eastdigi.net  (隽东数字跨境平台)是隽永东方集团旗下的跨境全品类产品平台,涵盖B2B / B2C / Sourcing 多重创新商业模式。它为传统的外贸和跨境电子商务用户提供了全类别的产品引流和直接获取询盘服务,同时为全球个体商户和企业主对接中国大陆优质工厂提供了一个高品质的渠道。

EastDigi Net Platform is a cross-border full-category product platform under the EastDigi Group, covering B2B / B2C / Sourcing multiple innovative business models. It provides traditional foreign trade and cross-border e-commerce users with a full range of product drainage and direct access to inquiry services and provides a high-quality channel for global individual merchants and business owners to connect with high-quality factories in mainland China.

隽东数字跨境平台-精准流量模型助力中国品牌DTC出海/ETM to EBM(Exact Traffic Model To Exact Brand Model),将持续改进和完善模型助力中国品牌DTC出海,实现中国品牌从ETM 到 EBM的终极飞跃。

Jundong Digital Cross-border Platform – Accurate Traffic Model Helps Chinese Brands DTC Go Overseas / ETM to EBM (Exact Traffic Model To Exact Brand Model), will continue to improve and perfect the model to help Chinese brands DTC go overseas, and realize the ultimate Chinese brand from ETM to EBM leap.

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